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Being a virtual assistant means being able to work on yourclients’ assigned tasks over the internet or virtually. As the internet’s powerand performance gets better and better, so does the ability to work virtually.We are now able to do more and more over the internet, eliminating the need toactually have a physical office unless it is absolutely necessary. But justbecause you can do almost everything online, it doesn’t mean that VAs don’tencounter challenges when doing daily tasks. So here are some very helpful VAtools you can get help from. These tools are readily available online, andwhile others can be used for free, there are still some that charge for areasonable fee.


Communication is one of the most important needs when you’reworking as a virtual assistant. You will need to constantly communicate withyour clients, especially if both of you need timely updates regarding thetasks. There are a lot of voice over internet protocol services andapplications that you can use as communication tools for your work. Most ofthese give you the ability to manage calls to and from different countriesworldwide with the use of only one phone line. Some of these even allow you tovideo calls and conferences, as well as instant messaging.

File Sharing/Collaboration

Sometimes, being a virtual assistant also means working onarticles and documents or other files for your clients. This may mean writingarticles or business letters, creating advertising material, or even videos andgraphic materials for websites and campaigns. If you need to closelycollaborate with your client for such files and you also need to seamlesslyshare it with them online, VA tools that serve as “virtual offices” are ofgreat help. There are a lot of these services Tire Gauge Suppliersonline but they usually offer theservice at a cost. You just need to d o a bit of research on each service andsee which one offers the options that you and your client will be able toactually use and see if it meets your needs.

Time Tracking and Billing

Being a virtual assistant doesn’t necessary mean that youwill be working exclusively for one client. Since this is an online- andhome-based job, you have the freedom to manage your time and work as many or aslittle hours you want, and plan the work hours with your clients’ needs. Youwill find that during the course of a day, you can accommodate tasks for two ormore clients. This is why a VA tool for timetracking is also very important. You can choose from a variety of toolsavailable online and set them up to calculate the exact amount of time you havespent on tasks per client. You can even get one that has accurate accountingcapabilities and invoice options to bill your clients.

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